jeudi 24 août 2023
La religion source de sagesse, réconfort, morale profonde
jeudi 10 août 2023
Le libre arbitre est un Don d'Allah
mardi 8 août 2023
Les anges en Islam
samedi 5 août 2023
Le Salut en Islam
53 Dis: « Ô Mes serviteurs qui avez commis des excès à votre propre détriment, ne désespérez pas de la miséricorde d'Allah. Car Allah pardonne tous les péchés. Oui, c'est Lui le Pardonneur, le Très Miséricordieux. »
54 Et revenez repentant à votre Seigneur, et soumettez-vous à Lui, avant que ne vous vienne le châtiment et vous ne recevez alors aucun secours.
55 Et suivez la meilleure révélation qui vous est descendue de la part de votre Seigneur, avant que le châtiment ne vous vienne soudain, sans que vous ne [le] pressentiez;
56 avant qu'une âme ne dise: « Malheur à moi pour mes manquements envers Allah. Car j'ai été certes, parmi les railleurs »
57 ou qu'elle ne dise: « Si Allah m'avait guidée, j'aurais été certes, parmi les pieux »
58 ou bien qu'elle ne dise en voyant le châtiment: « Ah ! S'il y avait pour moi un retour ! Je serais alors parmi les bienfaisants. »
59 « Oh que si ! Mes versets te sont venus et tu les as traités de mensonge, tu t'es enflé d'orgueil et tu étais parmi les mécréants. »
60 Et au Jour de la Résurrection, tu verras les visages de ceux qui mentaient sur Allah, assombris. N'est-ce pas dans l'Enfer qu'il y aura une demeure pour les orgueilleux ?
61 Et Allah sauvera ceux qui ont été pieux en leur faisant gagner [leur place au Paradis]. Nul mal ne les touchera et ils ne seront point affligés.
62 Allah est le Créateur de toute chose, et de toute chose Il est Garant.
63 Il détient les clefs des cieux et de la terre; et ceux qui ne croient pas aux versets d'Allah, ce sont ceux-là les perdants. (Coran chapitre 39)
vendredi 4 août 2023
Le Coran : Un guide vers le salut dans l'Islam
jeudi 3 août 2023
Jésus dans le Coran.
Le Vendredi : Un Jour Sacré dans l'Islam
Introduction :
Le vendredi, jour de prière hebdomadaire pour les musulmans, occupe une place particulière dans l'islam.
Il est souvent considéré comme le "jour de l'assemblée" (Jumu'ah) et revêt une importance spirituelle significative. Dans cet article, nous explorerons les versets du Coran et les hadiths qui mettent en évidence l'importance du vendredi dans la vie des musulmans.
- Le Jour de l'Assemblée dans le Coran : Dans le Coran, le vendredi est mentionné comme un jour de rassemblement pour la prière collective. Le verset suivant souligne son importance :
"Ô les croyants! Lorsqu'on appelle à la prière du jour du Vendredi, accourez à l'invocation d'Allah et laissez tout négoce. Cela est bien meilleur pour vous, si vous saviez !" (Coran, Sourate Al-Jumu'ah, 62:9)
Ce verset montre que le vendredi est un jour privilégié pour se détacher des préoccupations matérielles et se consacrer à la prière et à l'adoration d'Allah.
- Les Bienfaits du Vendredi dans les Hadiths : Dans les hadiths, les paroles et les actions du Prophète Muhammad (que la paix et les bénédictions soient sur lui), nous trouvons également des enseignements sur l'importance du vendredi :
a. Le Mérite du Vendredi : Selon Abu Hurayrah (qu'Allah soit satisfait de lui), le Prophète Muhammad (PSL) a dit : "Le meilleur jour de la semaine pour le soleil est le vendredi. Le meilleur jour sur lequel il s'est levé est le vendredi. Il est le jour où Adam a été créé. Il est le jour où il est entré au paradis et où il en est sorti. Et le Jour de la Résurrection aura lieu le vendredi." (Sahih Muslim)
b. L'Importance de la Prière de Jumu'ah : Le Prophète Muhammad (PBSL) a également souligné l'importance de la prière de Jumu'ah en disant : "Le vendredi est le maître des jours, le plus grand devant Allah, et le plus illustre devant Lui. C'est plus que l'Aïd Al-Adha et l'Aïd Al-Fitr." (Sunan Ibn Majah)
Conclusion :
Le vendredi occupe une place centrale dans la vie spirituelle des musulmans. C'est un jour de rassemblement pour la prière collective et d'adoration envers Allah.
Les versets du Coran et les hadiths du Prophète Muhammad (PSL) mettent en évidence l'importance de ce jour béni.
En tant que musulmans, nous sommes encouragés à consacrer du temps à la prière, à la réflexion et à l'évocation d'Allah pendant cette journée spéciale
Happy New Hijri Year for Muslims
Certainly! The Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon Him, with His migration from Mekka to Medina, played a pivotal role in the establishment and spread of Islam. The event that marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar is known as the Hijra, which refers to the migration of Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina.
Here's a recap of the important aspects of the Hijra and the life of Prophet Muhammad:
Early Life: Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was born in Mecca around 570 CE. He experienced several hardships and losses in his early life but gained a reputation for his integrity and honesty.
Revelation: At the age of 40, while in solitude in a cave on Mount Hira, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him received the first revelation from God through the angel Gabriel.
These revelations continued over a period of 23 years and formed the basis of the Islamic holy book, the Quran.
Preaching in Mecca:
Initially, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him faced opposition and persecution in Mecca, where the dominant society was resistant to the message of Islam. Despite challenges, he continued to preach monotheism and moral values, gathering a small group of followers known as Muslims.
The Hijra: Due to increased persecution, Prophet peace and blessings be upon him Muhammad and his followers were invited by the people of Yathrib (later renamed Medina) to a peaceful and just society. This journey, known as the Hijra, took place in 622 CE and marks the start of the Islamic calendar.
Why prophet Muhammad peace be upon him mooved to Medina
Establishing a Community in Medina: In Medina, Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him playrd a crucial role in uniting the diverse community of Muslims and local tribes. He formulated the Constitution of Medina, which provided a framework for religious freedom, mutual cooperation, and the protection of individual rights.
Military and Political Leadership:
Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him faced numerous military conflicts during his time in Medina, defending the Muslim community against external threats. He led several successful military campaigns and established treaties with neighboring tribes and communities.
Return to Mecca: In 630 CE, Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him returned to Mecca with a large number of followers. Mecca surrendered peacefully, and Muhammad forgave his former enemies, urging them to embrace Islam.
Final Sermon and Legacy: Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him delivered his final sermon during his Farewell Hajj pilgrimage, providing guidance on various aspects of life, justice, and social responsibility. After his death in 632 CE, his teachings and example served as a guiding light for Muslims worldwide.
The journey of the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and the significance of the Hijra highlight the perseverance, resilience, and commitment to justice that are core principles of Islam.
The Islamic calendar, which begins with the Hijra, serves as a reminder of the transformative impact of the Prophet's migration and the establishment of a thriving Muslim community in Medina.
vendredi 21 juillet 2023
Islam's sacred day
mercredi 19 juillet 2023
Jesus a great prophet
The Quran, revered as the holy scripture of Islam, mentions Jesus as a prophet and messenger of God. In numerous verses, Jesus is given special status and referred to by titles such as "Messiah" and "Word of God." The Quran acknowledges his miraculous birth to the Virgin Mary and his ability to perform miracles, including healing the sick and raising the dead.
One of the key Quranic verses affirming Jesus' prophethood is found in Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:75), which states, "The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him." This verse emphasizes that Jesus was a messenger among many others sent by God.
Furthermore, Surah Al-Imran (3:49) highlights some of the miracles performed by Jesus, such as healing the blind and the leper, and giving life to the dead. These acts of divine intervention serve as evidence of his prophetic mission.
Jesus as a Prophet in the Bible:
In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus is portrayed as a prophet, among other roles attributed to him. The Gospels, including Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, provide accounts of Jesus' life, teachings, and miracles. Throughout these texts, Jesus is referred to as a prophet by his disciples and recognized by the people of his time as a messenger from God.
For instance, in the Gospel of Matthew (16:13-14), Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" The disciples respond by saying, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." This conversation underscores the perception of Jesus as a prophet among the people.
Moreover, in the Gospel of Luke (7:16), after Jesus raises a widow's son from the dead, the witnesses exclaim, "A great prophet has arisen among us!" This acknowledgment of Jesus' prophethood further solidifies his status in the biblical narrative.
In conclusion, both the holy Quran and the Bible affirm Jesus' role as a prophet. The Quran recognizes Jesus as a significant figure, emphasizing his prophethood, miracles, and mission to convey God's message. Similarly, the Bible depicts Jesus as a prophet through various passages, highlighting his teachings and divine nature.
While Muslims and Christians may have distinct theological perspectives, the acknowledgment of Jesus as a prophet in both religious texts fosters a shared understanding and appreciation for his spiritual significance. Recognizing the common ground between Islam and Christianity regarding Jesus' prophethood can contribute to interfaith dialogue and promote mutual respect among followers of these faiths.
Sourat 5
82. Of all people, you’ll find that the Jews and the Pagans are the most hostile to believers. And you’ll find that the closest and most loving to believers are those who say, "We are Christians." That’s because among them are priests and pastors, and they’re not arrogant.
83. When they hear what was revealed to the Messenger, you'll see their eyes overflowing with tears; because they recognize the truth. They say, “Our Lord, we have believed, so count us among the witnesses.”
84. “And why shouldn’t we believe in God, and in the truth that has come to us; and desire that our Lord should join us with the righteous people?”
85. So God will reward them for what they say: gardens under which rivers flow, where they'll remain forever. That’s the reward of the good-doers.
86. Those who disbelieve and deny Our messages are the prisoners of the Inferno.