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vendredi 21 juillet 2023

Islam's sacred day

Friday is an important day for Muslims due to its significance in Islamic traditions and practices. There are several reasons why Friday holds special importance in Islam:

Jumu'ah (Friday Prayer): Friday is the day of Jumu'ah, the congregational prayer that Muslims offer at noon. It is considered the most important weekly prayer in Islam, and it holds great spiritual and communal significance. Muslims gather in mosques to perform this prayer, listen to the sermon (khutbah), and strengthen their bond as a community.

The Day of Gathering: Friday is known as "Yawm al-Jumu'ah" in Arabic, which translates to "the Day of Gathering." It is believed that on this day, angels stand at the doors of the mosques to record the names of those who attend the Friday prayer. It is an opportunity for Muslims to gather, seek forgiveness, and engage in acts of worship and remembrance of Allah.

Blessed Day: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of Friday, and it is considered a blessed day in Islam. There are narrations from the Prophet that speak of the virtues and blessings associated with this day, including the possibility of having sins forgiven between two consecutive Fridays.

Significance in Islamic History: In Islamic history, significant events have occurred on Fridays. For example, according to some narrations, it was on a Friday that Allah created Adam, and it was also on a Friday that Adam was granted forgiveness after his repentance. Additionally, the Day of Judgment is believed to be on a Friday.

Observance of Sunnah: Following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who used to give particular importance to Fridays, Muslims try to observe various recommended acts on this day. This includes performing the Friday prayer, reciting Surah Al-Kahf (Chapter 18 of the Quran), and making supplications.

Spiritual Reflection: Friday serves as a reminder for Muslims to reflect on their actions and deeds throughout the week. It provides an opportunity to seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings, make amends, and renew their commitment to living a righteous life.

In summary, Friday is an important day for Muslims because it marks the weekly congregational prayer, is considered a blessed day, and has historical and spiritual significance in Islam. Observing this day and its rituals are essential for Muslims to strengthen their faith, community bonds, and connection with Allah.

mercredi 19 juillet 2023

Jesus a great prophet

The Quran, revered as the holy scripture of Islam, mentions Jesus as a prophet and messenger of God. In numerous verses, Jesus is given special status and referred to by titles such as "Messiah" and "Word of God." The Quran acknowledges his miraculous birth to the Virgin Mary and his ability to perform miracles, including healing the sick and raising the dead.

One of the key Quranic verses affirming Jesus' prophethood is found in Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:75), which states, "The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him." This verse emphasizes that Jesus was a messenger among many others sent by God.

Furthermore, Surah Al-Imran (3:49) highlights some of the miracles performed by Jesus, such as healing the blind and the leper, and giving life to the dead. These acts of divine intervention serve as evidence of his prophetic mission.

Jesus as a Prophet in the Bible:

In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus is portrayed as a prophet, among other roles attributed to him. The Gospels, including Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, provide accounts of Jesus' life, teachings, and miracles. Throughout these texts, Jesus is referred to as a prophet by his disciples and recognized by the people of his time as a messenger from God.

For instance, in the Gospel of Matthew (16:13-14), Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" The disciples respond by saying, "Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." This conversation underscores the perception of Jesus as a prophet among the people.

Moreover, in the Gospel of Luke (7:16), after Jesus raises a widow's son from the dead, the witnesses exclaim, "A great prophet has arisen among us!" This acknowledgment of Jesus' prophethood further solidifies his status in the biblical narrative.

In conclusion, both the holy Quran and the Bible affirm Jesus' role as a prophet. The Quran recognizes Jesus as a significant figure, emphasizing his prophethood, miracles, and mission to convey God's message. Similarly, the Bible depicts Jesus as a prophet through various passages, highlighting his teachings and divine nature.

While Muslims and Christians may have distinct theological perspectives, the acknowledgment of Jesus as a prophet in both religious texts fosters a shared understanding and appreciation for his spiritual significance. Recognizing the common ground between Islam and Christianity regarding Jesus' prophethood can contribute to interfaith dialogue and promote mutual respect among followers of these faiths.

Sourat 5

82. Of all people, you’ll find that the Jews and the Pagans are the most hostile to believers. And you’ll find that the closest and most loving to believers are those who say, "We are Christians." That’s because among them are priests and pastors, and they’re not arrogant.

83. When they hear what was revealed to the Messenger, you'll see their eyes overflowing with tears; because they recognize the truth. They say, “Our Lord, we have believed, so count us among the witnesses.”

84. “And why shouldn’t we believe in God, and in the truth that has come to us; and desire that our Lord should join us with the righteous people?”

85. So God will reward them for what they say: gardens under which rivers flow, where they'll remain forever. That’s the reward of the good-doers.

86. Those who disbelieve and deny Our messages are the prisoners of the Inferno.

vendredi 14 juillet 2023

Le Jour de la Résurrection

Le Jour de la Résurrection est une certitude dans la foi de tout croyant, qui décrit la vie après la mort et la rétribution des actions humaines. 
Allah Exalté soit-il décrit ce jour-là en un moment de grande importance, où chaque individu sera ressuscité pour être jugé en fonction de ses actions dans cette vie. 
Dans cet article, nous explorerons les étapes clés du Jour de la Résurrection, telles que décrites dans le Coran.

Le Cri de la Trompette:
Le Coran mentionne que le Jour de la Résurrection commencera par un cri perçant de la Trompette :
Ce son puissant, émis par l'ange Israfil, sera entendu par tous les êtres vivants et marquera le début des événements qui suivront.

La Résurrection des Morts:
Au son de la Trompette, tous les êtres humains qui ont vécu sur terre depuis le premier homme jusqu'au dernier seront ressuscités. Le Coran décrit cette résurrection comme un miracle divin, où chaque personne sera ramenée à la vie dans son corps d'origine, afin d'être jugée pour ses actions .

La Présentation devant Allah:
Après la résurrection, les êtres humains seront rassemblés et conduits devant Allah pour rendre compte de leurs actions dans cette vie. Le Coran souligne que chaque individu sera seul responsable de ses propres actes et devra répondre de ses intentions et de ses comportements 

"Les livres seront posés. Alors tu verras les criminels effrayés à cause de ce qui est [inscrit] dedans. Ils diront : 'Malheur à nous ! Qu'a donc ce Livre à n'omettre de mentionner ni péché véniel ni grand péché qu'ils auraient commis ?' Et ils trouveront devant eux tout ce qu'ils ont œuvré."
Sourate Al-Kahf (18:49):

L'Évaluation des Actions:
Le Jour de la Résurrection, les actions de chaque personne seront minutieusement examinées par Allah. Le Coran mentionne que tout acte, aussi petit soit-il, sera pris en compte, et que chaque individu recevra une récompense ou une punition en fonction de ses œuvres.

La Balance de la Justice:
Il y aura une balance de justice qui sera établie pour peser les actions de chaque individu. Les bonnes actions seront placées d'un côté de la balance, tandis que les mauvaises actions seront placées de l'autre. Cette balance reflétera la véritable valeur des actions accomplies par chacun et l'unité de mesure sera la piété.

La Rétribution finale:
Après avoir examiné les actions de chaque individu, Allah prononcera une rétribution finale. Les croyants vertueux seront récompensés par le paradis, tandis que les mécréants et les injustes seront punis en enfer. 
Dans le Coran nous avons une description des récompenses et punitions de manière détaillée, soulignant la justice divine.

13 Les bons seront, certes, dans un [jardin] de délice, 
14 et les libertins seront, certes, dans une fournaise
15 où ils brûleront, le jour de la Rétribution
16 incapables de s'en échapper.
17 Et qui te dira ce qu'est le jour de la Rétribution ?
18 Encore une fois, qui te dira ce qu'est le jour de la Rétribution ?
19 Le jour où aucune âme ne pourra rien en faveur d'une autre âme. Et ce jour-là, le commandement sera à Allah.
(Sourate 82, Versets 13-19)

Le Jour de la Résurrection ou le jour de la rétribution est une certitude essentielle dans l'islam, qui affirme que chaque être humain sera ressuscité et jugé selon ses actions dans cette vie. 
Les étapes décrites dans le Coran, telles que le Cri de la Trompette, la Résurrection des Morts, la Présentation devant Allah, l'Évaluation des Actions, la Balance de la Justice et la Rétribution finale, illustrent la croyance en une vie après la mort et en la justice divine. 
Cette vision de l'au-delà a pour objectif de rappeler aux croyants l'importance de mener une vie juste et vertueuse dans ce monde, en vue de la récompense éternelle promise par Allah